Reeds Carpets

When Reeds Carpets asked us to revamp their ecommerce website, we rolled up our sleeves.


The site was looking dated from a design perspective, and the copy was sparse. Simply put, it wasn’t doing enough to entice or interest customers, or to communicate what differentiates Reeds from its competitors.

But that’s not all. There was an even bigger problem – the ecommerce function of the website didn’t work. As in, it didn’t work at all. You could not buy things from it.


Because the previous website was so broken, we advised the lovely people at Reeds that the best option would be to start from scratch.They agreed, so we built a brand new ecommerce website, importing all of their existing products into the new portal. We got this done in double-quick time: the whole process took just 4-5 weeks.

We also wrote brand new copy for the ‘Home’ and ‘About’ pages, specially crafted to hook in Reeds’ specific target audience, by telling the brand’s story and bringing it to life. 

How? Well, we did a bit of digging and…jackpot! Buried in the small print of the old website, we found a specialism. Reeds supplies carpets for the events and entertainment industries. So we brought this to the fore with copy that speaks directly to this audience.

The Result

Reeds have already been blessed with the best kind of all – actual sales! We’ve supported Reeds on an ongoing basis to improve usability and functionality and ultimately – to increase conversions.

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We are stoked with how everything turned out. We have a beautiful brand to be proud of and a proven sales funnel that is providing us with a steady flow of leads for our services. We couldn’t be happier and would recommend to all!

Damien ConnollyFounder - Moving Maids
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