
We helped Extrutec Ltd to help the planet with a sophisticated e-commerce platform setup.


Studio Kick built the new Extrutec website using the WooCommerce plugin for WordPress. Then we conducted thorough pre-launch testing to make sure the e-commerce functionality (especially the payment gateway and shipping setup) was working properly before going live.

Post-launch, we remained on hand to offer support and make additional tweaks to further optimise the customer experience.


Extrutec Ltd manufactures eco-friendly products for the agricultural sector in New Zealand. But the company’s previous website had become unsustainable. Extrutec needed a revamped digital HQ that could handle some pretty complex e-commerce requirements.

The new site had to support a range of complex shipping solutions needed for different products/product combinations. Product information needed to be readily accessible and supported by relevant customer testimonials and insights. And the look and feel of the site had to reflect the people-focused, eco-friendly values of the company.

The Result

On the e-commerce front: a significant uplift in online sales, and a smoother, simpler checkout process for customers.

In terms of look and feel: a website with equal focus on product, people and values that uses social proof to differentiate Extrutec from its less environmentally friendly competitors.

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They did a great job updating our website. We have some very specific requirements for different product ranges, particularly with how shipping charges are calculated. At the same time, we also asked Tim to keep the website and online store configuration as simple as possible. They managed to deliver both while steering us toward a layout and design that is visually appealing. It was so refreshing to work with someone who really listened to what we wanted and made it work.

Theunie Rushmer-WiidExtrutec